The jar of Ascaris Worms by Frank Baer

Created by frank 11 years ago
Soon after arriving at Vanga, Dan had to perform surgery on a Congolese boy with an intestinal obstruction. His operation saved the boy’s life, and Dan was pleased with this success. However, four months later the child’s mother returned to the hospital with her son in the same condition – another belly full of worms. This time Dan also “saved” the Ascaris worms in a glass jar as a visible reminder that unless community-based changes were brought to health-related understanding, behavior, and conditions, the impact on improving lives would be minimal. This began Dan’s pilgrimage from “medical care” to promoting “health care.” Note: The attached photo (Dan's Jar of Ascaris Worms) is, to the best of my remembrance, one that I took sometime between 1976-1979 when I had the privilege of working with Dan and serving as the Administrator of the Vanga Community Health Program (as an MCC volunteer). With funding from OXFAM, Dan began an intensive community outreach program with mobile teams reaching 200 villages by truck each month. This later evolved into the establishment of health centers and a more cost-efficient outreach using bicycles. Eventually these initiatives led to the creation of the Vanga rural health zone, one of the first faith-based-managed health zones, serving a population of 250,000. The Vanga model helped to pioneer the creation of 515 decentralized health zones across DR Congo.
